- Download
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- Home: Browse: Disk Image Files Disk Image Files. Disk image files contain an exact copy of a hard disk or other type of media. They include all the files, as well as the file system information. This allows disk images to be used for duplicating disks, CDs, and DVDs. They are often used for backup purposes as well.
- Page 1 of 2 - Download Windows 10 Disc Image (ISO File) - posted in Windows 10 Support: The free upgrade from Windows 7 and 8 to Windows 10 is available now on Windows update. Get the ISO here.
Please do not download CD or DVD images with your web browser the wayyou download other files! The reason is that if your downloadaborts, most browsers do not allow you to resume from the point where itfailed.
Bootable CD creation is quick and simple with EasyBoot - make a bootable CD or DVD and adapt it in any way you want. UltraISO is the CD image maker, editor and converter that can burn CD and DVD image files. SoftDisc is the virtual CD software that also creates, edits and converts ISO image files. Three powerful utilities from EZB Systems! The bootable media is a USB flash drive or a CD/DVD with Acronis software on it. This way, you can recover from a backup in case your computer does not boot anymore. Apple update os x 10 11. If you urgently need to restore your computer and cannot create a bootable media, you can download the media in your account at Acronis website.
Instead, please use a tool that supports resuming - typicallydescribed as a download manager
. There are many browser pluginsthat do this job, or you might want to install a separateprogram. Under Linux/Unix, you can use aria2, wxDownload Fast or (on thecommand line) wget -c URL
orcurl -C - -L -O URL
. Thereare many more options listed in a comparisonof download managers.
The following Debian images are available fordownload:
See also:
- A complete list of debian-cd/ mirrors
- For
network install
(150-300 MB) images, see the network install page. - For
images of thetesting
release, both daily builds and known working snapshots, see the Debian-Installer page.
Official CD/DVD images of the stable
To install Debian on a machine without an Internet connection,it's possible to use CD images (650 MB each) or DVD images (4.4 GB each).Download the first CD or DVD image file, write it using a CD/DVD recorder (or aUSB stick on i386 and amd64 ports), and then reboot from that.
The first CD/DVD disk contains all the files necessaryto install a standard Debian system.
To avoid needless downloads, please do not downloadother CD or DVD image files unless you know that you need packages onthem.
The following links point to image files which are up to 650 MBin size, making them suitable for writing to normal CD-R(W) media: Editor de imagem download.
The following links point to image files which are up to 4.4 GBin size, making them suitable for writing to normal DVD-R/DVD+R andsimilar media:
Be sure to have a look at the documentation before you install.If you read only one document before installing, read ourInstallation Howto, a quickwalkthrough of the installation process. Other useful documentation includes: Mac velvet teddy 37.
- Installation Guide, the detailed installation instructions
- Debian-Installer Documentation, including the FAQ with common questions and answers
- Debian-Installer Errata, the list of known problems in the installer
Unofficial CD/DVD images with non-free firmware included
If any of the hardware in your system requires non-free firmware to beloaded with the device driver, you can use one of thetarballs of common firmware packages or download an unofficial imageincluding these non-free Pubg game app for pc. firmwares. Instructions how to use the tarballsand general information about loading firmware during an installation canbe found in the Installation Guide.
Registered mirrors of the debian-cd
Note that some mirrors are not up to date High resolution audio player for mac. —before downloading, check the version number of the images is thesame as the one listed on this site!Additionally, note that many sites do not mirror the full set ofimages (especially the DVD images) due to its size.
Media Disc Image File Download 32-bit
If in doubt, use the primaryCD image server in Sweden, or trythe experimental automaticmirror selector that will automatically redirect you to a nearbymirror that is known to have the current version.
Are you interested in offering the Debian CD images on yourmirror? If yes, see the instructions onhow to set up a CD image mirror.
Windows Disc Image File
- Argentina: debian.xfree.com.ar: HTTP
- Armenia: mirrors.asnet.am: HTTP
- Australia: debian.mirror.digitalpacific.com.au: HTTP
- Australia: mirror.overthewire.com.au: HTTP
- Australia: mirror.rackcentral.com.au: HTTP
- Austria: debian.anexia.at: HTTP
- Austria: debian.inode.at: HTTP
- Belarus: ftp.byfly.by: HTTP
- Belarus: mirror.datacenter.by: HTTP
- Belgium: mirror.as35701.net: HTTP
- Brazil: debian.c3sl.ufpr.br: HTTP
- Brazil: debian.pop-sc.rnp.br: HTTP
- Canada: debian.mirror.estruxture.net: HTTP
- Canada: debian.mirror.iweb.ca: HTTP
- China: mirror.lzu.edu.cn: HTTP
- China: mirrors.163.com: HTTP
- China: mirrors.hust.edu.cn: HTTP
- Costa Rica: mirrors.ucr.ac.cr: HTTP
- Croatia: debian.carnet.hr: HTTP
- Czech Republic: debian-cd.mirror.web4u.cz: HTTP
- Czech Republic: debian.ignum.cz: HTTP
- Czech Republic: debian.superhosting.cz: HTTP
- Czech Republic: mirror.dkm.cz: HTTP
- Denmark: mirror.asergo.com: HTTP
- Denmark: mirror.one.com: HTTP
- Denmark: mirrors.dotsrc.org: HTTP
- Denmark: mirrors.rackhosting.com: HTTP
- Ecuador: mirror.cedia.org.ec: HTTP
- Ecuador: mirror.ueb.edu.ec: HTTP
- Ecuador: mirror.uta.edu.ec: HTTP
- France: debian.univ-lorraine.fr: HTTP
- France: ftp.crifo.org: HTTP
- France: ftp.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr: HTTP
- Georgia: debian.grena.ge: HTTP
- Germany: debian-cd.repulsive.eu: HTTP
- Germany: debian.inf.tu-dresden.de: HTTP
- Germany: debian.uni-duisburg-essen.de: HTTP
- Germany: ftp.fau.de: HTTP
- Germany: ftp.gwdg.de: HTTP
- Germany: ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de: HTTP
- Germany: ftp.hosteurope.de: HTTP
- Germany: ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de: HTTP
- Germany: ftp.uni-bayreuth.de: HTTP
- Germany: ftp.uni-hannover.de: HTTP
- Germany: ftp.uni-stuttgart.de: HTTP
- Germany: mirror.23media.de: HTTP
- Germany: mirror.checkdomain.de: HTTP
- Germany: mirror.daniel-jost.net: HTTP
- Germany: mirror.de.leaseweb.net: HTTP
- Germany: mirror.netcologne.de: HTTP
- Greece: debian.noc.ntua.gr: HTTP
- Hong Kong: mirror.xtom.com.hk: HTTP
- Hungary: ftp.bme.hu: HTTP
- Indonesia: kartolo.sby.datautama.net.id: HTTP
- Indonesia: mirror.poliwangi.ac.id: HTTP
- Israel: debian.co.il: HTTP
- Italy: debian.connesi.it: HTTP
- Italy: giano.com.dist.unige.it: HTTP
- Italy: mirror.crazynetwork.it: HTTP
- Japan: ftp.jaist.ac.jp: HTTP
- Japan: ftp.kddilabs.jp: HTTP
- Japan: ftp.nara.wide.ad.jp: HTTP
- Japan: ftp.riken.jp: HTTP
- Japan: ftp.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp: HTTP
- Japan: hanzubon.jp: HTTP
- Korea: ftp.harukasan.org: HTTP
- Korea: ftp.kaist.ac.kr: HTTP
- Korea: ftp.lanet.kr: HTTP
- Latvia: debian.koyanet.lv: HTTP
- Latvia: debian.linux.edu.lv: HTTP
- Lithuania: debian.mirror.vu.lt: HTTP
- Lithuania: mirror.litnet.lt: HTTP
- Luxembourg: debian.mirror.root.lu: HTTP
- Netherlands: debian.mirror.cambrium.nl: HTTP
- Netherlands: debian.snt.utwente.nl: HTTP
- Netherlands: mirror.duocast.net: HTTP
- Netherlands: mirror.nl.datapacket.com: HTTP
- Netherlands: mirror.nl.leaseweb.net: HTTP
- New Caledonia: debian.lagoon.nc: HTTP
- New Caledonia: debian.nautile.nc: HTTP
- Norway: ftp.no.debian.org: HTTP
- Norway: ftp.uio.no: HTTP
- Philippines: mirror.pregi.net: HTTP
- Poland: ftp.icm.edu.pl: HTTP
- Poland: ftp.ps.pl: HTTP
- Portugal: debian.uevora.pt: HTTP
- Portugal: ftp.pt.debian.org: HTTP
- Portugal: ftp.rnl.tecnico.ulisboa.pt: HTTP
- Portugal: mirrors.up.pt: HTTP
- Romania: mirrors.pidginhost.com: HTTP
- Romania: mirrors.xservers.ro: HTTP
- Russia: ftp.psn.ru: HTTP
- Russia: mirror.corbina.net: HTTP
- Russia: mirror.mephi.ru: HTTP
- Russia: mirror.truenetwork.ru: HTTP
- Singapore: mirror.0x.sg: HTTP
- South Africa: debian.saix.net: HTTP
- South Africa: ftp.is.co.za: HTTP
- Spain: debian.uvigo.es: HTTP
- Spain: ftp.caliu.cat: HTTP
- Spain: ftp.cica.es: HTTP
- Sweden: cdimage.debian.org: HTTP
- Sweden: ftp.acc.umu.se: HTTP
- Switzerland: debian.ethz.ch: HTTP
- Taiwan: debian.cs.nctu.edu.tw: HTTP
- Taiwan: ftp.ncnu.edu.tw: HTTP
- Taiwan: ftp.ntou.edu.tw: HTTP
- Taiwan: ftp.tku.edu.tw: HTTP
- Turkey: ftp.linux.org.tr: HTTP
- Ukraine: debian.volia.net: HTTP
- United Kingdom: debian-iso.mirror.anlx.net: HTTP
- United Kingdom: ftp.ticklers.org: HTTP
- United Kingdom: mirrorservice.org: HTTP
- United Kingdom: mirrors.m247.com: HTTP
- United Kingdom: mirror.sov.uk.goscomb.net: HTTP
- United Kingdom: mirror.sucs.swan.ac.uk: HTTP
- United Kingdom: mirror.vorboss.net: HTTP
- United States: debian.osuosl.org: HTTP
- United States: mirror.cogentco.com: HTTP
- United States: mirror.keystealth.org: HTTP
- United States: mirrors.advancedhosters.com: HTTP
- United States: mirrors.bloomu.edu: HTTP
- United States: mirrors.gigenet.com: HTTP
- United States: mirrors.lug.mtu.edu: HTTP
- United States: mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu: HTTP
- United States: mirrors.syringanetworks.net: HTTP
- United States: mirror.steadfast.net: HTTP
- United States: mirror.us.leaseweb.net: HTTP